Looking for a home? These days your first step has most likely been you spending some time online to do your own research and homework. With this in mind, do not forget to take a look at the Arizona’s Buyer Advisory which lists 120+ websites where you can investigate just about anything, from Air Quality to Zoning. For even more detailed information …visit the Arizona Department of Real Estate’s site and read the Topics to research before purchasing Real Estate and Property Buyer’s Checklist.
Now what? This is a wonderful and exciting time. Paired with the right real estate agent, this process should be considered an adventure filled with learning and the special thrill of finding that perfect dream home. As your agent, I will be there to guide you through the complexities of the buying process. I can offer knowledge with regards to communities, market value, contracts, lenders, negotiating, home inspections, and the closing process. There is a lot of work to be done, but it is my job to make this as effort free as possible.